Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Divergent Speed Dating Read-alikes

Check out these fantabulous Divergent book lists! I've wanted to host a book speed dating program for ages now and upon looking at these lists I thought it might be fun to set one up at a Divergent themed program.  I'm not sure how well this idea would work with my current batch of teens, but I think it would be neat to have teens check off which books they want to read most and sort them into factions based on their reading preferences.  If the factions aren't evenly distributed, perhaps place a teen in their second-highest ranked faction to ensure there aren't too many kids in one group over another. 

I'll keep you posted on this program in development!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Don't Blink!

I am not a Dalek.  I am a human.
SoufflĂ© Girl here!  Not really.  Just little ol' me in a snazzy cosplay get-up.  But I do have a whisk in my belt and that has to count for something.  At least once a month we host after hours lock-ins at my library for the teens.  Sometimes, like our Doctor Who program, I spend hours scouring the internet looking for great program ideas only to let the kids get hopped up on sugar and run around.  It happens. How can you resist when one of your teens' mothers bakes cupcakes with adorable Doctor Who fondant pieces on top?  Especially when you've already made marshmallow Adipose creatures and Ood cupcakes? The phone with the close-up shot of the Adipose is presently missing, but you best believe I will ETA this johnson once I am reunited with it. 

Now, not every library program is going to have such fancy cupcakes.  Guess what?  The teens don't care.  I promise.  I only have fancy snacks from time to time because unlike the majority of the librarian population, I loathe baking.  Those Ood cupcakes?  Yeahhhh... I bought a 24 pack of unfrosted cupcakes and let my teen volunteers decorate them.  They love cupcake decorating and helping to bring lock-ins to the next level because they get to take ownership when the snacks are complimented.  It's pretty much a win win win.  You can also make regular snacks fit your theme with a little imagination.  For this lock-in I had Candied Companions (Sour Patch Kids) and Still-Not-a-Ginger Snacks (pretty much orange foods like Cheez-Its and Nacho Doritos, but you can also use gingersnaps). 
While planning this event I encountered several Doctor Who parties featuring a Weeping Angels Red Light/Green Light game, so of course now that I'm writing up the program I can't find a single source.  I had to edit the game, so I don't feel as guilty about not linking, but still... just pointing out that this isn't original.  Those games called for the traditional rules of Red Light/Green Light where the person that is "it" (or in this case "The Doctor") merely turned around and everyone had to freeze.  We found after a few rounds that it was not challenging enough for the teenagers so we took it up a notch. Since the Weeping Angels move freely in the darkness, my colleague flicked the lights off when the teens were expected to move and once the lights were back on they had to freeze immediately.  It was a lot more fun and provided a much more "realistic" Doctor Who experience than traditional Red Light/Green Light. 
Can we just stop for a moment and think about how much we all love photobooths and photo backdrops?  They're the best.  You can instantly turn transitory moments and lulls in program momentum into a fun time simply because you have a photobooth! This one was very low budget and took about 20 minutes to whip together.  I know that some people really take their TARDIS building very seriously, and I don't want to knock that, but ain't nobody got time for that.  The plastic tablecloths you get from most any dollar store out there is decently close to TARDIS blue.  Painter's tape is very close, but light enough to provide a bit of contrast to make panels for the door. My anal retentive handwriting skills lost out in favor of letting a teen volunteer write "Public Call Police Box" on black construction paper with white chalk to get the background done quickly and still looks phenomenal.  You can also print out one of these bad boys, slap it up there with some white squares and you're set.  Easy peasy TARDIS squeezy.  

For more Doctor Who party ideas, check out my Whovian board on Pinterest!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Hungry Hungry Hunger Games

If you're able to score multiple Hungry Hungry Hippo marble consumption arenas, you can host a rather noisy tournament and have multiple groups of teens compete at once.  If not, teens can watch the action unfold while they wait their turn.  You might want to consider advertising a Capital Couture Cosplay Contest to spice it up.  This prevents the teens from getting too bored as they will be in character.  Besides, once you get to round two everyone will be oddly fascinated by the eating contest... let's be real.. 
                                                      #swag - (via)

Friday, February 28, 2014

Divergent Program Ideas

The Divergent series by Veronica Roth might be put to bed, but I haven't seen that book on the shelf since I purchased it in 2011. An early favorite, this series packs enough adventure for thrill seekers, a dystopian society to die for, and there are more than enough sparks on the romance front to keep all entertained.  That said, I've had multiple teens begging me for a Divergent program.  For whatever reason it hasn't materialized, but I am definitely going to hit that up this summer and watch the sparks fly. 
As I've previously stated, my program ensemble is very important to me.  I spend a lot of time and effort with my wardrobe overall, so it is no surprise to anyone that knows me.  If you find yourself in a similar boat or want to really want to get in character, might I recommend checking out the Official Divergent Tumblr for costuming suggestions?  If I lived in the Divergent dystopia I know that I wouldn't hesitate to select Dauntless on Choosing Day, but feel the requisite wardrobe of black and leather might be a bit much for a teen librarian running a program, so I proffer an adorable Abnegation outfit.  Grey is my favorite color to wear and as librarians are supposed to selflessly help everyone that comes through their library's doors it seems most fitting.  Please click on the link and browse the inspiration for your chosen faction to spice it up!

On to the games!  While my high schoolers prefer acting games and being left to their own devices to relax, my middle schoolers are hyper and can't sit still to save their lives.  If I am not constantly rushing from one high intensity game to another, trouble flares up.  Not all of these games will work for your teens, which is why I provided three per faction.  I got a lot of ideas from looking over this fabulous link by the Divergent Lexicon. Check that link out for food ideas as well!

Dauntless Games

These games should be executed with caution as Dauntless activities are not for the weak at heart! We played Trainwreck at a Hunger Games lock-in a few years back and there were a few skinned knees and head on collisions, so please be careful! I still recommend it because it was hilarious to watch and the teens had a great time.

Erudite Games

These will go over particularly well with my uber nerdy teens.  I really like the Divergent trivia I found on Goodreads and can't wait to dig into it.

Candor Games

Spotting lies and seeking the truth are the name of the game for Candor.

Abnegation Games

Abnegation facilitates selflessness and teamwork, so try these team building games!

Amity Games

Amity games are all about teamwork and not about who wins.  I highly recommend the link I provided for Charades, as it is actually a variation known as Charade Relay.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Godzilla Movie Marathon... Now With Haiku!

Well.  I did it, guys.  I faced the inevitable reality that Summer Reading is coming close and the thought that I should probably start planning events yesterday.  I looked at a chapter from the CSLP manual yesterday, that has to count for something, right?  Right.

I'm in charge of bringing the Chapter Six: Science Fiction & Fun into life for the annual Summer Reading Program workshop hosted by the Ramapo Central Catskills Library System on Monday, so the next few posts are going to either be directly related or additional ideas building on the science fiction theme.  How on earth did the manual contributors miss a chance for a Godzilla movie marathon?!  First of all, the new Godzilla movie is scheduled to debut in May 2014, just before Summer Reading kicks off.  Second of all, have they seen Godzilla Haiku?  Have you?  No?  Check these guys out:

If you have a creative writing group I would like to first inform you that I'm super jealous because I've tried to start one at my library more frequently than Gretchen Wieners tried to make "fetch" happen and it still won't stick. BUT if you have alchemical processes working in your favor and have a successful writing group (or would like to start one) might I recommend making your own Godzilla haikus?   You can find stills of the old Godzilla movies and have the teens write their own.  There are many ways you could execute this and as it has been a while since I've had the opportunity to profess my love for bulleted lists, I will do so now to demonstrate the possibilities: 
  • Passive Program: Create a bulletin board of 3-5 Godzilla still frames asking for Godzilla haikus.  Provide smaller examples from the tumblr so teens have an idea what you are looking for. Create a haiku printable (doesn't have to be too fancy) and provide a submission box so no one can read the poems already entered.  Label each Godzilla screenshot with a number or letter so that teens can easily communicate which picture corresponds with their poem, fully knowing at least one teen will mess up and yet another will ask you relentless questions no matter how easy you attempt to make it.  Once you have enough submissions, slap those haikus over the appropriate image with meme font, also known as Impact in white with a black outline.  If you do not have Photoshop, might I recommend using Ribbet?  
  • During the Movie Marathon: This one is less exciting, but you are more likely to get a bunch of results. You can print out the Godzilla screenshots with lines underneath them so the teens can write them in as they watch the movies.  While you are almost guaranteed more haikus this route, you will miss out on the opportunity to use the completed product as a marketing tool for the movie marathon. 
  • Teens as Content Creators: The ideal situation involves using Web 2.0 apps, like Ribbet, to allow the teens to create the content themselves.  You can either offer them some sort of SRP club credit for creating it online and emailing it to you or you can have a program using library computers that allows them to do it in a group all together.  The latter suggestion would not work in my library, so I am aware that it might not work for you.  I'm talking in ideals here people! 
  • Contest: Using any of the above ideas or combination thereof, you can make a contest for the best Godzilla haiku.  Teens are competitive. Having a prize at the end of the haiku tunnel might help some reluctant poets enter the mix. 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Resurrection Day is a Dangerous Day

Oh hello.  It appears I last updated my library blog in 2010, shortly after getting my first full-time job.  I'd like to tell you I've been away from the game because I'm slaying illiteracy like a boss and focused on becoming a programming extraordinaire who can't be bothered to share my program ideas anymore, but I don't think it is true.  My colleagues would tell you it is true as I've worked very hard at my programs over the years and share a great deal with the library consortium's teen librarians group, but if I'm being honest with you reader, there's been a disconnect.  It's something I've felt for years and had a very hard time putting into words.  It is not that I stopped caring about my job or became a terrible slacker.  Over the past four years I've gotten to know some of the best teenagers in the world and I do whatever I can for them.  There's just been a disconnect between who I am and what I do for a living, which is a shame because they used to be a unified front of kick-ass librarian.

After talking with a new librarian friend I put my finger on the various components that make up the disconnect which I will get to as I start blogging again, but the number one theme has been that once I settled into my job I reached my goal.  Library school, internships, paraprofessional work and student run organizations leadership roles were all cogs to get me here and once here, I had nothing greater than what I already had to strive for.  There is a bit of a glass ceiling with teen librarianship and as someone that finds intrinsic motivation from training for the next thing I find it unsettling.  Or boring.  Ok... mostly boring. I filled my free time falling further and further down the roller derby rabbit hole and haven't looked back to the idealistic days of grad school when my entire being was defined by the word librarian.  Until now.

First order of business was to resurrect this blog from the dead like a filthy zombie, hence all the pictures from my Zombie Prom program.  Pictured above are a zombie teen* and myself in a prom dress I ripped up and splattered with fake blood hand prints, because dedication to the job for me usually involves costumes, but I digress.  When I started this blog in grad school, I did so for multiple reasons.  The first and foremost was that I was so damn excitable about becoming a librarian I just couldn't keep it in.  I wanted to chronicle this excitement and potentially get others on board so we could just yell out to the heavens, "HECK YEAH LIBRARIES!!!" like a bunch of heathen nerds.  Now I'm like, "libraries. woo." and that is problematic for me because I want to be a nerdy heathen again.  I additionally began this blog because the amount of blogs I saw in 2007-2010 specific to library programming were lacking and I wanted to take the things I found on indie craft blogs and share it with librarians to give them ideas.  I guess I wanted to vicariously run library programs through these potentially inspired librarians...maybe...?  I'm not sure.  Twenty-two was ages ago and who really knows what I was thinking then.

At some point I gave up the thought of library blogging and decided to whip up my own indie craft blog instead, only to find that blog became some sort of hybrid mindful meditation blog mixed with fashion blogging.  ::shrug::  Much as I would like to place my focus there, I found myself wanting to contribute to the librarian community more and more.  I attempted to find room for it on that blog, but as someone with a Master's in organizing information it really didn't make any logical sense.  So.  I'm back bitches.

*Zombie teen and zombie teen's mom are totes cool with my posting this image, in case anyone wants to get uppity about sharing the image and likeness of the minors you work with.  kthnxby

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Librarians make me giggle.

While I found this rather enjoyable, I'm glad I graduated from Rutgers without impersonating Lady Gaga whilst lauding the benefits of proper searching.

Link via Boing Boing (found on facebook via Jess T).