In reading Animorphs #14, The Unknown, I stumbled upon this quote:
"You ready?" Rachel asked."Just have to check on this opossum's bandage. Good. The stitches are holding. Good boy," I said to the opossum with the mangled paw. Okay. Now I'm ready."
"Why do they have that extra o in opossum?" Marco wondered. "What's the point of it if it's silent?"
Why indeed, Marco, why indeed? What I think you meant to ask, was why on earth are you trying to save an opossum in the first place? If it had opposable thumbs, it would knife you. My friend Cara is an expert on the subject and has confirmed that given the chance, an opossum would slit your throat. I mean, just look at them:
He is not thanking you for fixing his bandages, Cassie. For all you know, that opossum is the one that passes on the genetic ability to grow opposable thumbs. Your silly war with the Yeerks will look foolish if in the end we were all enslaved by knife-wielding opossoms, wouldn't it? Take your overalls and poop-covered boots and get over your animal-friendly self.
This post is dedicated to Cara, for her perseverance against opossums. Stay strong, sister, stay strong.