Monday, July 27, 2009

Wait... What?

Baker and Taylor makes up nice little lists for us to peruse and ponder. It takes most of the guesswork out of ordering new books, really. We can order other books that aren't on the list, but why bother when you can get books like this? Below is the line from the Booklist review of Joaquin Dorfman's The Long Wait for Tomorrow that would have made me spit my drink all over the computer monitor, had I been consuming a liquid at the time:
The next morning, however, Kelly wakes up a new man. He buys Patrick expensive gifts. He kisses Jenna like he means it. He's what they dub the New Kelly McDermott; a pleasant change until Kelly mentions that he is a 40-year-old version of himself who has time-traveled in from a mental institution.

I'm quite alright with timetraveling into future or past versions of yourself and other things of that vein (like 13 Going on 30 or 17 Again) as long as they can explain things properly. But the mental institution? That's a nice touch, Mr. Authordude. Really, you decided that was necessary? H'okay...

Why can't YA just be YA? One of the other books in the list features a protagonist whose parents die in an airplane crash. That's not traumatizing enough, however, because then she also has to face the fact that her Uncle is sexually attracted to her after she goes to live with him. Why oh why do we need to shove so much into these books?

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Too much adorable

The children's librarian at WGL has all these adorable asynchronous craft programs set up in the main area of the library. This week's craft is Make a Book! She set up a basket of markers and blank books she folded from 8.5x11 paper. Just now, a table of children were all gathered 'round coloring their hearts out. The eldest collected everyone's books at the end and with his very studios face mused the following:
Well now we have to get the published. ... How about Scholastic?
I swear to you, I think I saw him delicately run his thumb and index along his chin. It took all the effort I had to not react how I usually do when things are painfully adorable (which is laughing and saying "awww" that sounds like a bleating goat when combined).

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A very important date, indeed!

Yesterday I talked about the horrifying opera of Alice in Wonderland, so it's probably the right moment to bring up the new Tim Burton Alice film slated to come out next year. This. looks. AWESOME! I am super pumped and I'm glad Burton is taking it in the direction he is (i.e., a new storyline and not the same tale rehashed yet again). Countdown until March 5th commences!

ETA: Apparently the trailer is removed until tomorrow. :( Sorry guys.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Oh man! Why hasn't anyone taken me to see this Alice in Wonderland Opera? I can't remember the last time I woke up screaming from chronic nightmares. I think it's about time and I'm pretty sure this take on Carroll's classic is just the ticket for is-this-bed-moist-or-am-I-just-happy-to-be-awake level of night terrors. Thanks, SuperPunch!

MINI BOOK ALERT!!! I love mini things. I love books. By their powers combine, we get the Captain of AMAZINGNESS!

This reminds me of Kid Kits. Does anyone else remember Kid Kits? I always wanted one. I pretended I wanted to babysit, when really, I just wanted the Kid Kit. AND IT'S MINI!! I'm about to have an aneurysm from excessive enjoyment with all these teeny tiny how-tos floating around the interwebz. (via Craft)

Why do I not watch Jimmy Fallon's late night show? Seriously. He is trying to get a Saved by the Bell reunion up in this bitch and his show is conducive to this level of comedic genius? Thank you Meg Cabot's twitter! You've outdone yourself and that's sayin' something because you also brought me the trailer for My Little Ponies: Live Action.


So I went M.I.A. for a week. I figured once I graduated and settled into my new job that I would dive right back into blogging. Little did I remember that moving all of my stuff from school back into my already full room at home takes up a boatload of time. Oh well.

Last week, however, I was conspiculously absent. How could I, Kristi(e), NOT post on the eve of Half Blood Prince's opening day?! Because everyone else was. That's my cop out answer. I'm waiting until it opens in IMAX to get the good stuff. I want some 3D 12 minute opening scene action. I want to be the same size as Daniel Radcliffe's nostrils. I want stuff to blow up all around me and give me a migraine. So... until then I will be quiet on Tuesdays. Shhhh!

BONAS JONAS: It's been a while since I've done one of these. I've been looking up crafts for future library programs and stumbled across this bad boy. While we can't do it at the library, the Potter love evident in this purse needs to be shared with my fellow Potterphiles.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


So this week I took a page out of Frank Buffay Jr.'s page and melted a bunch of stuff. The first experiment was only meh because it turns out that the TAG members are not into crafts. A newbie to TAG made a shrink film dog and a ring with her name in Korean, but that's about it. An older teen wrote all over a sheet, but didn't like the Chinese characters and abandoned the idea. Oh well--you win some, you lose some.

Last night fared much, much better. Only two people attended the DIY Record Bowl program, but we all had lots of fun. We gave most of the records a final farewell by playing a track from the record (thanks to YouTube) as we melted them in the oven. A grand time.

I'm glad that I found a job that is so awesome. :D It almost makes the torture of library school worth it. Almost. I'll get back to you one that...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July = Harry Potter Month!

In honor of July being Harry Potter Month (you know, because making a post title a declarative sentence means I can proclaim this) I have some Zombie Haiku for you from Ryan Mecum's work of the same name. Now, I can hear those gears turning. Quiet them with some brain oil* and think on this:
  • To quote the great white-bearded guy, Inferi "are corpses. Dead bodies that have been bewitched to do a dark lord's bidding." (Dumbledore::Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)
Hmmm... that sure sounds like this TOTALLY FACTUAL bit of information I pulled off reference website numero uno, Wikipedia:
  • Stories of zombies originated in the Afro-Caribbean spiritual belief system of Vodou, which told of the people being controlled as laborers by a powerful sorcerer.
That said, zombies are totally down for some Half-Blood Prince action, no? I think so. Side note, I am down for seeing some zombies in a Harry Potter film. Hopefully the cave scene allows me to wet myself in fright because it has so much potential! Enough fodder, let the zombie rumpus start!
Little old ladies
speed away in their wheelchairs,
frightened meals on wheels.

They are so lucky
that I cannot remember
how to use doorknobs.

Always be careful
when you're biting teeth with teeth.
Dead teeth tend to lose.

Brains, BRAINS, BRains,brains, BRAINS.
BRaiNS, brains, Brains, BRAINS, BRains, brains, BRAINS.
Brains, BRains, brains, BRAINS, brains.
*As we are discussing zombies, it's best to use metaphorical oil and not something like Extra Virgin Olive Oil. They might be tempted to eat brains, beginning with yours.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


I never state when I send my computer back in to get serviced, do I? Oh well. It's getting looked at over in Louisville or some other random place that's not in the state I'm from. Good move, Best Buy! Anyway, this is pretty much the last time I'm going to give it back. If they can't fix the problem with my video card, I'll just have to deal. Not having a computer nearly ALL YEAR has been super annoying because

A) I'm addicted to the interwebz

B) I can't blog

C) Did I mention I'm addicted to the interwebz?

::fingers crossed:: I get my computer back next week.