Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sometimes I just don't understand you, Cassie

If you weren't already aware of this fact, I'm a giant dork. The type of dork that likes to reread Animorphs because they are amazing and can turn into animals at will. Hot damn, I wish I could become a giraffe any time I wanted. Chill out, eat some leaves from the top of the tree (because, theoretically, I can eat leaves from the bottom now if I really wanted), the usche.

In reading Animorphs #14, The Unknown, I stumbled upon this quote:
"You ready?" Rachel asked.

"Just have to check on this opossum's bandage. Good. The stitches are holding. Good boy," I said to the opossum with the mangled paw. Okay. Now I'm ready."

"Why do they have that extra o in opossum?" Marco wondered. "What's the point of it if it's silent?"

Why indeed, Marco, why indeed? What I think you meant to ask, was why on earth are you trying to save an opossum in the first place? If it had opposable thumbs, it would knife you. My friend Cara is an expert on the subject and has confirmed that given the chance, an opossum would slit your throat. I mean, just look at them:

He is not thanking you for fixing his bandages, Cassie. For all you know, that opossum is the one that passes on the genetic ability to grow opposable thumbs. Your silly war with the Yeerks will look foolish if in the end we were all enslaved by knife-wielding opossoms, wouldn't it? Take your overalls and poop-covered boots and get over your animal-friendly self.

This post is dedicated to Cara, for her perseverance against opossums. Stay strong, sister, stay strong.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Has it been a week yet?

It has? Oh good.  Fabulous.

Because I feel horrid not posting in a long while, especially since I have a new computer.  It taunts me, as my parents' internet connection hates me, nay, loathes me, and leaves my new laptop ignored.  Sad face.  

Actually, if I couldn't talk about Twilight because of my self-imposed rule, I wouldn't be posting.  That's my real concern.  Wooo! I can talk about Twilight.  Which is fortunate, because Danielle brought me fanfic where Edward is madly in love with Sarah Palin before Bella, which led to finding this amazing explanation of Twilight (complete with pictures!), composed by the same author.  The analysis of the books is especially enjoyable if you detest Twilight.  While I pretty much agree with everything said, I can't help myself from loving Edward Cullen.  It's a curse.  I give up.  

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Please note...

My computer (you know, the thing that was rumored to be fixed by now) is dead as a doorknob still. Just wanted to keep you in the loop. I'm looking into getting a Mac, because I am so over the cruddiness that is PC. Anyway, that should be this weekend. Yay! After I finish all the homework that is due this weekend (oh, who am I kidding? Probably instead of doing my homework...), I'll post some of the Throwback Reviews I've got brewing. I have 4 (count 'em FOUR) old school reads checked out and I'm halfway through the stack. To commemorate my new computer, I will post a Throwback Review everyday for a week. Every. Day. It's like your birthday, but better.

¿¿¿It's National Punctuation Day???

AND NO ONE TOLD ME!?!?! Goodness. Fortunately, I was curious to find out the name of my favorite punctuation mark this afternoon. It's as if my inner grammarian knew what today was. For the record, the inverted question mark is known as the inverted question mark. No special name like tilda or ampersand. In searching for the name, Sara found this link of amazing webcomics that must be devoured in honor of this glorious day. Who knew the life of an inverted question mark was so lonely and desolate? Le sigh.

Thank you BB-Blog for keeping me well informed on things like National Punctuation Day!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

New, Blues and Subterfuge

Actually, it's just news, but including the word subterfuge in a title is always exciting. Always. On with the show...
  • MY COMPUTER IS GETTING FIXED!!! For reals this time. I just got word yesterday that my friend is going to have it completed on SUNDAY!!! To make up for lost time, I will probably post like wild fire. Happiness.
  • I broke down, Danielle. I read fanfiction. Sigh. It wasn't amazing, but I did it. This story wasn't so bad, but then again, it's Twilight so I'm allowing for lots of painful storytelling because I'm addicted. Do they all ask for reviews before they post new chapters? Because that's annoying.
  • On that note, I promise you all no Twilight references for two whole weeks. Unless there is breaking news (obvi). Even if I stumble onto something amazing, I will save it as a draft and publish it all at once as a super-conglomerate of Twilight amazingness.
  • Lastly, I checked out an old school book to read this weekend, so by Tuesday, you better believe your eyes will feast upon a Throwback Review.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Craptastic Idea

A rolling research library seems like a good idea in theory. That is, until you realize that the librarians of the collection are the student council and volunteer teachers. Students and teachers that are expected to:
  • Select materials
  • Catalog
  • Maintain the collection
Excuse me? First of all, isn't cataloging annoying, tedious and tends to be complicated in the rules department? I'm pretty sure I remember having at least one nervous breakdown during my cataloging course (but then again, that could be a result of the teaching style). Either way, cataloging is an area of librarianship that many seek excessive distance, so how would students be experienced enough in their short 13 years to do it?

This library is an enormous blow to school librarians in the state of New Jersey. If the department of education for NJ did not make such stringent guidelines for which classes I am required to take in order to be a media specialist, I would imagine them unaware of what it takes to be an effective school librarian, but they did. They are aware of the education process that churns out librarians, and yet they anticipate teachers and children to be able to do our job? Excuse me, what?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Oh no he didn't...

Things overheard at the Children's Ref. desk:

A colleague to a girl that tripped down the stairs: "You're clumsy. That's why you shouldn't walk like that. You're going to fall, 'cause you're clumsy and I'm gonna have to laugh at you. Unless you're really hurt... then I'm going to the office to laugh at you."

Because I have no life...

...I bring you even more Growing Up Cullen. Here is a quote from this thread:

Monday, September 8, 2008

More Growing up Cullen for the kids

Here is a quote from the Growing up Cullen thread that is physically preventing me from doing my Learning Theory homework. And when I say physically preventing, I mean I'm a dirty, dirty procrastinator.
[info]oxymoronassoc: I BET HE [Edward] GOES SHOPPING WITH ALICE
[info]oxymoronassoc: AND IS A PICKY LITTLE BITCH
[info]oxymoronassoc: THE GAME IS ON A FOUR
[info]oxymoronassoc: I GOTTA GET HOME FOR THE GAME
[info]oxymoronassoc: and alice is like THEY LOSE
I haven't quite crossed over into reading full blown fan fiction, but this is absolutely ridiculous. It also encourages me to never leave my Twilight bubble and prevents me from reading new books. As I'm going to pretend to be a real blogger next week and convince people it's a good idea to read this, I DO plan on reading something for a Throwback Review. But, I might just end up reading more Growing up Cullen. Who knows?

Friday, September 5, 2008

Midnight Sun

Oops! I almost forgot to supply you with a link chock full of literary crack (i.e., Midnight Sun). I've never done crack--nor do I aim to ever attempt such a feat--but from what I hear, reading the Twilight Saga is pretty close. :) The women at Borders agree with me, so you know it's true (though, I'm doubtful they've smoked crack, so who really knows?).


I wanted to post in this as much as possible, now that my schedule and the Rutgers library schedule have some coexisting timeslots, but I am way too obsessed with reading the Midnight Sun partial draft. I stopped after chapter four to give a shout out to this amazing Twilight amazingness that Danielle sent my way. Effectively, until I get over this Twilight stage of my life, Danielle might as well write this darn thing.

Without further ado, Growing Up Cullen. Ah-mazing. This is the only one I've read thus far, but I've got others bookmarked. As I go through it, if it's just as ridiculous as this one (which it probably will be), you better believe you'll get the link!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Fabuloso Flemington!

The NJASL listserve sprinkled my inbox with this piece of news. Long story short, my high school IMC (Central-speak for library) is one of 15 public and school libraries to be awarded with YALSA's YA Galley. Their book club, the Bookworms, is rewarded with advance copies from the publisher to review. Good job, Central!