Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I wrote this thing that one time that sorta seemed like Harry Potter...

People are crazy.

JK Rowling is being sued for plagiarism... again. At least the 2008 lawsuit launched by director John Carl Buechler was slightly legitimate. Harry Potter is a central character's name in his 1986 movie, Troll. It's a fantastical story and one could imagine it possible there is overlap, presuming of course, that Rowling has seen the movie.

Now, however, people are just after their slice of the pie. A lawsuit launched by the estate of author Adrian Jacobs claims that the 1987 novel was blatantly ripped off throughout the Harry Potter series. Mugglenet has a pretty good recap you should check out over herr. At this point I feel like too many people are looking at their own works with Pottergoggles, connecting dots where they see fit to either publicize their own works or gain money from the immense success Lady Rowling has earned. Seriously guys? We're still doing this? ::eye roll::

Monday, June 15, 2009

Someone's been working out

Reasons why I love being a YA librarian:
  • In searching Google for things I need for summer reading, I stumbled upon a two page layout featuring Rob Pattinson's topless bod. Holler!
Seriously though, I always tell myself that I don't have a crush on this man and then he just does something gorgeous or says something side-splittingly hysterical and it comes back. There are worse crushes to have...
ETA: Just in case you think this lone picture is enough and you can do without checking out the layout, please note that it uses the highly hilarious abbreviation, "OME." We all know that anything featuring that label is ... special. If you live under a rock and don't know what OME means, I sadly cannot help you out as Urban Dictionary is made of fail right now. Hopefully it works for you when/if you need to travel there.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Express Yourself

Rutgers steals money for various things I never use and then calls it tuition. Usually I just shrug my shoulders and ignore it. What was that? $11 for a grammatically incorrect paper I never read because it makes my eyeballs bleed? Sure, why not. However much you want to take from my lazy non-gym using ass? Please! My wallet is yours.

Well not this time! I am going to use the entirety of my printing budget this year if it's the last thing I do! I made the booklist you see below last night in Fireworks and plan on printing them out with the remainder of the unused printing fund. Mwahahaha I = evil genius. Or a dork. Either way, check out my new booklist!!!!!!!exclaim!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

FML! Nickelodeon Magazine is Donesville!

I just got an email from the periodicals department at work saying that Nickelodeon Magazine is no longer in print. WhAt?!?! This magazine is my childhood! What is wrong with kids these days? How do they not realize that this magazine is perfect for cutting up silly pictures and collaging or reading comics or a great excuse to be silly for the sole purpose of BEING SILLY!?!

Here's your article verifying this by The Comics Reporter because I am too sad to go on.

::tears of infinite sadness::

Friday, June 5, 2009

New job -- Holla!

Okay. There's no getting around a blog post now. I got my computer back (woohoo!!) and I have today off. Those two items yield bloggyhood, duhz.

To start, everyone seems super nice. Sure, mostly everyone is nice to people they just meet, but it seemed like more than that. The overall atmosphere of the library is very laid back and relaxed. I felt slightly dressed up my first day in and outfit that would have been casual at NBFPL. So far, so good. I'll probably still wear my fancy skirts and dresses A) because I own them and B) because that's the type of librarian I am.

Two YA librarians before me kept EVERYTHING. I don't think you get it, she. kept. everything. I recycled at least 7 New York Times Children's Bestseller lists from 2007 and old carts lists and a bunch of other stuff that made my eyebrows scrunch together when I saw it because... wtf? Why was it saved? No clue. The YA filing cabinet (which I'm guessing my most recent predecessor never used) was reduced to half the size when I was done. I was a one woman recylcing circus this past week.

In addition to all that, I found out that there is greater support in this library system than I had previously seen in my old consortium. I spent the first two hours of my shift on Wednesday at another branch learning the ropes of our system from the YA librarian perspective and was amazed at how much these individual branches seem to make up one family. Since this branch is 5 minutes (if that) down the road from mine, we decided to do cross promotion for summer reading. I have to figure out when I'm planning my programs for the summer next week, but I'm going to attempt to arrange it so that there will be a program at one of our branches nearly every day. :)

All in all, a good first week!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Oh you crazy kids

My new colleague Jessica summed it up best,"Homeless man should focus on getting a house, not reading sex books."

Note: Thoughts on the new job will come later this week. :D