For those of you living under a rock for the past twelve years, Animorphs are a group of five kids that walk through an abandoned construction site and receive the gift of morph-technology from a dying Andalite. The Andalite, Elfangor-Sirinial-Shamtul, details the on-going battle taking place secretly inside the skulls of their fellow man all around them, between mortal minds and Yeerks. What is a Yeerk? Why, it's a mind-controlling, parasitic slug, of course! Throughout The Invasion, the five children that dub themselves the Animorphs must figure out if they want to fight the good fight to save humanity or step back and just be regular kids.
As for readability, I'll let you decide after viewing these pictures:
That is certainly a dog-eared copy (which, considering which text this is, is quite amusing in and of itself, but I'm just sayin').
Me in the library: "I think this is the first book in the series, let me check the spine to double check... Oh."
"Hey, is this a new-fangled monocle?"
"Gasp! It's the back cover of the book! I don't remember it being see-through!!?!"
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