Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Why I became a librarian

No, this isn't a blog post about my final term project for multimedia (though it sounds like it, no?). I am that bored that Googling "library meme" seems like a great idea. To answer the question, I decided to become a librarian on the NJTransit train going to New York on January 31, 2006. That's right, I know the exact date. Be jealous. The Targum (i.e., the atrocity that passes itself off as a school newspaper) had followed me over and over again. Each time, I spurned the advances of the silly little paper, only to have my seat littered with pages. I grabbed it reluctantly and read to pass the time. This is where I first heard the myth that people in library science are actually retiring, making it so that there will be no librarians in the future. Let me just point out this is a bold faced lie. Despite the lies, library science seemed like it made more and more sense and I stopped changing my major every five seconds. The end.

Now for the second half of the meme: Surveytime
  • Best library school faculty member when I was getting my degree: Stew Mohr and his adorable little bowties and vests
  • Favorite class: Storytelling (ahem... Traditions of Oral Narration... sorry)
  • Best bosses: I've really only had two library bosses. Considering Kayo would disappear half the time she was supposed to be my backup and not tell me until I found out during a reference interview.... that would most likely tip the vote to Dr. Belvin's favor in and of itself.
  • Favorite library: Belle's imaginearey library in the Disney version of Beauty and the Beast
  • Most unexpected career move: Spending more money to go to more school
  • Best career move to date: Going to library school? Helps with the whole being a librarian thing.
  • Favorite piece of advice to others: Plan out your conference attendence by figuring out in advance which sessions and backup sessions you want to go to. Saves you from lots of boredom.
  • Best piece of advice received: You can't cut carrots with a gun. Not library related, but still the best piece of advice out there.

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