Thursday, March 19, 2009

Crack? Cocaine? Nope, I'll take me some RPattz

So remember that time that Abby (the) librarian "tagged" me in her addictions meme post?  (by tagged I clearly mean we are both lazy and this is why I will do her survey.  She doesn't want to tag people and I don't want to generate something original during spring break)

Rules: Write up five things you're addicted to. 

1. Robert Pattinson.  It started off as an innocent crush--a faux-librarian getting pumped for the Twilight movie, projection and all that.  Then it moved on to watching interviews just to hear his beautiful British accent.  From there it became a full on love affair because he is hysterical and still vulnerable in a way that makes me want to stroke his hair.  People give him shit for his "poor hygiene" and awkward behavior, but I don't see how that does anything but add to his character.  Perhaps this is because I find showering only twice a week to be a common occurrence and I have taken to not leaving my house ever because of crippling social anxiety, but whatevs.  He's a dreamboat and I loves him! 

2.  Craft.  While I won't shell out the dough for their magazine, they provide me with gem after gem after gem of crafting goodies that it doesn't matter.

3.  K. A. Applegate.  We know how much I loves me some Animorphs, as people have shut doors in my face to get me to shut up about it, but I freaking love her in general.  She is my favorite author because of how well she appeals to the teen market (i.e., me... despite not actually being a teen).  I am currently finishing a reread of her Everworld series and will move on to read an independent book that she did before beginning Remnants, the series she wrote after Everworld.  LOVES!

4.  Harry freakin' Potter.  Yeah, he's slipping down the list, but that doesn't mean anything.  These books have become so important to me that they are like religious texts in my absurd life.  I think in Potterisms and quote it subtly in my daily life.  I banned myself from reading the books until July 21, 209 because I didn't want to overkill it.  

BONAS JONAS:  SNL digital shorts would have to be my numba 6.  And apparently number 7 is speaking with incorrect grammar, despite being a grammarian.


Abby said...

Dude, I totally tagged you. I tagged the world. ;)

Kristi(e) said...

And I thank you for that. It was just what I needed...