Wednesday, January 27, 2010

This just in!

Voldemort scrapbooks.

I'll let that sink in for a bit. ::pause:: Okay, okay he doesn't really because he's "fictional" and as many people have tried to address with me, fictional "beings" can't do anything outside of their books/tv/whatever. BUT... imagine if he did. Wouldn't it look a little something like... this:

Eh? Eh?

Okay. I have to clue you in. I recently went out to dinner with one of my bffs Sara and we spent at least twenty minutes debating what sort of secret, mundane activity the Dark Lord does in his spare time after we reminiced about the depiction of Edward Cullen in Growing Up Cullens* and settled on the moste anciente and noble art of scrapbooking.

Do you think Voldemort scrapbooks (or in this case, Scrapblogs)? No? What do you think he does? How about another kid/ya lit character? What are the secret lives of fictional beings?

*If you've never read Growing Up Cullens, get on that. You think you know Twilight, but you have no idea. That is the diary of their awesome lives.


Jill said...

The Fellowship of the Ring likes to go online, and in particular, Frodo likes to read Harry Potter fanfiction. I couldn't make this up, it's: (

from the mental library I keep of meta-slash.

Jill said...

Jill said...

One of these days I'll figure out how to link correctly on blogger. I didn't realize it was this HTML friendly. Try this:

At the Rivendell Internet Cafe