Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Er... Pottertastic Tuesday

I pondered my blog a bit and my Creative Writing/English degree just won't allow me to have a Pottertastic Thursday when the pseudo-alliterative Pottertastic Tuesday is an option. I probably should have posted something in between Pottertastic Thursday and Pottertastic Tuesday, though. Oh well. As executor of this blog, I hereby make the official decree that all mentions of Harry Potter and all materials and items associated with such will be delivered on a weekly basis to be published on Tuesdays. Please jot that down. Thank you.

So without further ado, I have what is potentially the best thing ever uttered by an athlete, real and fictional alike. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Krum:
"Vot is the point of being an international Quidditch player if all the good-looking girls are taken?'
::Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows::The Wedding::(150)

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