Not only is the Golden Compass a really flipping sweet book and now movie, but it has a neat-o website, too! They provide factual information about dæmons, complete with a little quiz to find out what your dæmon would be. I'd provide the link to it here, but it all has the same web address. You can find it on the top menu under Dæmons.
Now I hope the Golden Compass movietypes don't get angry that I didn't save their picture of my dæmon and opted to create my own. But they should know that since Araphon is a lion that I am fickle, and therefore need to create my own depiction of him. Having a lion dæmon also means that I am modest, inquisitive, assertive and outgoing. Well, duh.
I am quite pleased to find out that I am a lion and all, but I almost wish I was more docile so I could have a pug as a dæmon. Only servants and people that follow authority get to have dogs as dæmons though. Lame. I mean, how freaking cool would it be to have a pug following me around at all times, running sideways and sticking its teeny tongue out at me?
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