Blah, blah, blah, find some school library blogs and play around with blog searchers. Got it.
- Technorati
So, everyone and their mom is talking about Technorati. Now I get to play around! Word. Basically, you pop in some search terms and BAM! you get some blogs.
Now on to the real thing I discovered using Technorati. I found out that my blog ended up on a blogroll! Eep! Now, you can't use these fancy things to decipher whether or not other people read your blog, but hey--a blogroll is pretty good. Especially since it's Minh Le of Bottom Shelf Books and his book reviews tend to make me laugh obnoxiously loud. Especially this one on Frog and Toad. I think I've sent that post out to at least five people before posting it to all of you invisible readers out there. It is worth being late to work in order to read (unless you read blogs at work--because then you should read it and read it again). - Google Blog Search
As for this bad boy, I'm not too impressed and here's why: I tried to use it to find the above Frog and Toad post and could not find it! No matter what search terms I put it. Frog and Toad and Bottom Shelf only brought up his most recent post about Stick (which, incidentally, is also a rather good one). I had to scour his blog to find it, and fortunately, his tags are quite straightforward and led me straight to it. This service gets minus points--about 6 and a half minus points. On a sidebar, can you talk crap about a Google service on another Google service? Looks like I just did.
thanks for the shout out kristie!
and I hope the Google Goons don't come after you for badmouthing them... stay strong! fight the good fight!
: ) This isn't facebook so they probably won't.
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