Thursday, April 10, 2008

I'm more of a Q person myself...

Stretching made it a little blurry, so you should probably view the original here. I was only trying to save you the hours of random strip viewing that engulfs my life...


Jill said...

This is one of my favorite Unshelved's - I like almost all of the ones with Tamara, actually.

Also, this sooo reminded me of working in the children's department:

things I never really imagined would come out of my mouth. Things like, "You can't choke him in here," or, "Seriously, you have to take the stick and put it outside."

Kristi(e) said...

: ) So I have more of that to look forward to? Wonderful! Or, you know, I could just end up in a school or something and have to "grade" papers after I get home from work.