Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Dear Blog,

As you may have noticed, I dropped off the face of the earth. I had juuuust enough time to complete all my finals, graduate and call it a day. I had to leave you be for a while, I'm sure you understand. Now, however, I am still doing school work since my computer died. Again. Brand new computer. Dead. WTF.

In order to graduate next Tuesday I have to redo work I've already done. I have to remain studious even though my brain is all yeah...eff that. It is still up in the air as to whether or not I'm actually going to finish Learning Theory because forget about being a school librarian now, if not ever. I'm slightly dejected by all of this, graduating and becoming a grown up in addition to breaking up with my boyfriend of three and a half years all in the span of two weeks. Life is life and boy does life stink.

On the plus side, bloggerino, I got a job. False. I somehow procured two jobs at two different libraries. Starting June 1st I will be an official young adult librarian and sometime in September I will be doing the job of three different librarians in the span of two days a week. I am exhausted just thinking about it! I'm really excited for the experience, however, as I will get to do storytimes, teach people how to use computers and come up with some fun teen programs. All in all, not a bad place to be the week before graduation.

So, life is taking over and my dwindling digital budget is making it unlikely I will regularly post again for at least a week, probably two. Sorry bud. LOVES!

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