Friday, May 15, 2009

* Please Note

Now that graduation is upon us (and by us, I mean me) and only a handful of days away, I would like to tell you that I am not going to be a librarian. Despite spending 2 annoying years in library school, I have decided that I just don't see myself as a librarian. Instead, I am going to take my newly minted MLIS and my fancy new jobs and become a book pimp.

What exactly is a book pimp?

A book pimp can be described as a person that pimps out books. Oftentimes one can find these creatures exclaiming things like, "OMG YOU NEED TO READ THIS!!!" with such enthusiasm that it frightens puppies. They create book displays of utter beautiousity that it could bestill even the Twits' hearts. In their spare time, the produce booklists that are so nifty, even the most reluctant reader can't just walk past it.

True, there is still the whole shebang associated with collecting money. Any good book pimp knows to delegate this task to circulation. Lest we forget about the hoe slapdown of 87, it will serve no one to have a book pimp slap hoes unless it is in the most dire situations either.

Applications for Pimp My Bookcase are now being collected.

ETA: There is also the requisite nametag worn on a gold medallion of the nametag owner wearing a gold medallion. No book pimp is complete without this regalia.

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